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The Biden-Trump Presidential Debate: I Pity America, but My Heart Breaks for Romania …

Photo: CNN

Despite it being the middle of the night in the USA, televised discussions about the Biden-Trump presidential debate are still ongoing. This time, opinions are no longer divided; every commentator is shocked by Biden’s poor mental health, which couldn’t be masked even by the intense doping the US president underwent in recent days. There’s a lot of hypocrisy in the analysts’ presentations, as the whole world has long known that Biden is a mess and has been merely “propped up” in recent years to enable the shadowy, arbitrary, and irresponsible governance of their country, and unfortunately, the entire Euro-Atlantic world. As for me, I believed that if this debate were to take place, its only purpose would be forcing Biden’s elimination from the candidacy, but at his own call in order to preserve the so-called (and nonexistent) unity of the Democratic Party. Indeed, in the last three hours, this has been the only topic of discussion in TV studios and online platforms across the ocean. Trump and his team deduced this, and his performance was reserved, without abrupt changes in tone or harsh statements, giving the impression that he was gently leading Biden towards the political graveyard.

I really have no (geo)political content to comment on following the debate. The fact that Trump announced that Ukraine will be defeated in the war is not news; he has repeatedly stated this. Regarding the candidates’ shape, Biden set a precedent by dozing off while standing, just ten minutes into the dialogue with Trump. The fact that he stuttered and lost his train of thought several times is not novel, nor is it that at the end of the debate, with the lights quickly dimmed in the studio, his wife had to come and literally pick him up off the stage.
A novelty, however, is that CNN, the debate organizer and the media entity that has always censored Biden’s gaffes and blunders in recent years, has now started attacking their president, with TV commentators pretending to be shocked by their favorite’s poor condition and urgently calling for his removal from the candidacy.
This is not a surprise for those who know that Obama’s people are behind CNN, but it was grotesque that a choir of about ten studio guests called for the urgent intervention of Barack and Michelle Obama to quickly send Biden home with his wife. Equally telling is the poll published by CNN, unaltered this time, indicating a score of 67% to 33% in favor of Trump. CNN’s problem is that this chorus of propagandists disguised as journalists supported Biden as fit to lead the USA beyond 2024 until yesterday, while claiming Trump belongs in prison.
You must understand, therefore, that this so-called debate was just a final trap to bring Biden&Co to a point where they could no longer refuse to withdraw from the candidacy. It’s dirty politics, as we say, but not surprising given that the mess of American politics has become commonplace for all informed inhabitants of the planet.
We must, therefore, pity America, including from the perspective of Romanian interests as a fully controlled colony by Washington, but also be shaken when seeing the men who command our politicians and decide our fate …
By Cozmin Gusa

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