Switzerland Targets Global Abolition of Executions as a Key Plank of Its Foreign Policy Strategy

Photo: Reuters
Photo: Reuters
Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, many controversial theories are arguing whether the Virus SARS-CoV-2 is from nature or not.
In the realm of comedy, there are few names that resonate as deeply as Matthew Perry. With heavy hearts and tear-filled eyes, we bid farewell to a comedic genius who tragically left us on Saturday.
Nearly a third of the government’s overall spending would go toward the military in 2025, according to a record-breaking defense budget approved by Russian President Vladimir Putin.
The BRICS nations, an acronym for the economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, have been a notable force in global politics and trade for several years.
In the digital age, the dissemination of information has become swift and far-reaching. Unfortunately, this has also given rise to the proliferation of fake news, which poses a significant danger to the political landscape.
Belarus has been witnessing mass protests for nearly four weeks now, where IT workers took to the streets of capital Minsk on Friday,
The presidency of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, was a period characterized by significant policy changes and notable milestones in various sectors.
Argentina is the eighth largest country in terms of area and the second largest in terms of population in South America.
For the sake of technical disorientation, it is difficult to determine the nature of hundred billions dollars. Although the sentiment to compete with American and Chinese dominance is clear, European nations are playing the jackpot as it fits best. A sovereign fund cannot be a vision fund and vice versa.
On Tuesday, the European Ministers of Energy will convene to discuss a topic that has been creating waves across the European Union (EU) – the dispute between France and Germany
The American Fed revised its 2020 US GDP estimates upwards this evening.While in June, due to Covid, the central bank expected a 6.5% collapse, now that figure has been corrected to -3.7%.
Tajikistan pursues an “open door” and balanced foreign policy, actively developing relations with Central Asian countries, Russia, the United States, the European Union, Iran, Saudi Arabia and other Islamic countries.
The year 2024 has been officially heralded as the ‘Year of the Cicadas’. In an extraordinary display of natural synchronicity, two distinct broods of periodical cicadas.